Why PCs are Better for Gaming than Consoles

There has been a long running debate as to what the best gaming platform is. To me, the answer is simple: PCs. Why? Well…

Mouse and Keyboard:

Although some might say that dual analogue sticks are the best, I think that nothing can beat the accuracy brought by a mouse (and not just in shooters!). With a gaming mouse, you practically have the full control of a whole Xbox controller in just one hand! Multiplayer chat, cheat codes, commands and general navigation are so much easier with a keyboard, too! Yes, you can get a keyboard for consoles, but you have to put down the controller, whereas you can use a mouse with one hand on a PC.

Display Quality:

Most console manufacturers advertise “HD quality”. Even then, a lot of games just aren’t that high definition. And TV screens tend to not be brilliant quality. PCs, however, have been happily running games at 1080p and above for ages. You can get amazingly detailed monitors.


A well maintained PC can boot in ten seconds. Not so much can be said for consoles. Also, the RAM on consoles tends to be considerably lower than on a PC. An Xbox 360 has a 512mb RAM limit. My mid-range laptop has 6144mb!

Free Mods:

All games need files. Only PC games, however, have files that are easily accessible. This means that you can install mods (modifications) easily. And for free. PC users have been coding mods pretty much forever, and distributing them completely for free! I’d like to see you try to access “Program Files” on your Wii!

No Hardware Limits:

If an Xbox needs a better processor, what do you do? You can either upgrade to a better Xbox, or you can rip it up and add a new processor yourself. Not cheap or easy. If a PC needs more HDD space, a better processor, a better graphics card, or even a better OS, you can get hold of them cheaply. A PC has potentially unlimited RAM and Hard Drive storage.

Cheaper Games:

Games for consoles are always much more expensive than their PC equivalents. Why? To get more money off you. PCs, however, come with cheaper games available. And there are millions of free games available to play online or download. You can even Torrent games for PC if you really want to (I never told you anything…).


You can access thousands of old and outdated computer games completely for free online. Console games, however, are unavailable after they are stopped being produced.

Online Freedom:

You aren’t tied to one (often paid) online service on a PC: You will be much less affected by server failures, and you have a wide range of browsers to choose from.


As well as gaming, you can do so much more on a PC than on a PS3. I don’t need to elaborate.

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